Here you can find our Spanish Phrasebook, also as a PDF File to take with you.
Sprachführer Spanisch
Hi. | Hola. |
Good morning. | Buenos dias. (until 12 Uhr) |
Good day. | Buenas tardes. (after 12 Uhr) |
Good evening / night. | Buenas noches. |
Please. | Por favor. |
I don´t understand. | No entiendo. |
Goodbye. | Adiós. / Hasta luego. |
How are you? | Qué tal? / Como estás? |
Good, thanks. | Bien, gracias. |
Excuse me. | Perdón. / Disculpe. |
Sorry. | Lo siento. |
Thank you. | Gracias. |
I´m …. | Me llamo …. |
What´s your name? | Cómo te llamas / se llama Usted? |
Do you speak English? | Habla Inglés? |
What time is it? | Qué hora es? |
Monday. | Lunes |
Tuesday. | Martes |
Wednesday. | Miércoles |
Thursday. | Jueves |
Friday. | Viernes |
Saturday. | Sábado |
Sunday. | Domingo |
Day. | día |
week. | semana |
weekend. | fin de semana |
Where is ….? | Donde está ….? |
What is the address? | Cúal es la dirección? |
how far. | qué distancia. |
straight. | derecho. |
left. | izquierda. |
right. | derecha. |
near. | cerca. |
far away. | lejos. |
at the corner. | a la esquina. |
at the traffic light. | en el semáforo. |
in front of. | frente a. |
here. | aquí. |
there. | allí. |
How much is it? | Cúanto cuesta? |
I would like to buy it. | Quisiera comprarlo. |
Just browsing. | Solo estoy viendo. |
Which size is this? | Qué talla es? |
Can I pay with CC? | Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito? |
ATM. | cajero automático. |
store. | tienda. |
cash. | en efectivo. |
restroom / toilet. | baño. |
market. | mercado. |
post office. | correos. |
tourist Information. | oficina de turismo. |
I have a reservaction. | Tengo una reservacion. |
How much is the room per night? | Cuánto cuesta la habitación por noche? |
Is breakfast included? | Esta incluido el desayuno? |
double room. | habitación doble. |
single room. | habitación sencilla. |
all inclusive. | todo incluido. |
bathroom. | baño. |
bed. | cama. |
A/C. | aire acondicionado. |
WIFI. | con acceso al internet. |
Pool. | alberca. |
towel. | toalla. |
reception. | recepción. |
Is there a bus to ….? | Hay un camión a ….? |
What time does the bus leave? | Á qué hora sale el camión? |
How much is the ticket? | Cuánto cuesta el boleto? |
ticket. | el boleto. |
arrival. | llegada. |
departure. | salida. |
bus station. | terminal de autobuses. |
airport. | aeropuerto. |
luggage. | equipaje. |
roundtrip . | viaje redonda / ida y vuelta. |
one way. | viaje sencilla. |
highway. | autopista. |
toll station. | caseta. |
gas station. | gasolinera. |
What´s up? / How is it going? | Qué onda? |
Are you kidding me? | No manches. / No mames. |
Hopefully! | Ojala! |
Sounds great! | Órale! |
yes. | símon. |
beer. | chela. |
nice. | buena onda |
dude | güey |
boy / man (with friends) | cabrón |
cool | chido / padre |