Helpful Phrases & Words for your trip to México

Here you can find our Spanish Phrasebook, also as a PDF File to take with you.
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Hi. Hola.
Good morning. Buenos dias. (until 12 Uhr)
Good day. Buenas tardes. (after 12 Uhr)
Good evening / night. Buenas noches.
Please. Por favor.
I don´t understand. No entiendo.
Goodbye. Adiós. / Hasta luego.
How are you? Qué tal? / Como estás?
Good, thanks. Bien, gracias.
Excuse me. Perdón. / Disculpe.
Sorry. Lo siento.
Thank you. Gracias.
I´m …. Me llamo ….
What´s your name? Cómo te llamas / se llama Usted?
Do you speak English? Habla Inglés?
What time is it? Qué hora es?
Monday. Lunes
Tuesday. Martes
Wednesday. Miércoles
Thursday. Jueves
Friday. Viernes
Saturday. Sábado
Sunday. Domingo
Day. día
week. semana
weekend. fin de semana


Where is ….? Donde está ….?
What is the address? Cúal es la dirección?
how far. qué distancia.
straight. derecho.
left. izquierda.
right. derecha.
near. cerca.
far away. lejos.
at the corner. a la esquina.
at the traffic light. en el semáforo.
in front of. frente a.
here. aquí.
there. allí.


How much is it? Cúanto cuesta?
I would like to buy it. Quisiera comprarlo.
Just browsing. Solo estoy viendo.
Which size is this? Qué talla es?
Can I pay with CC? Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?
ATM. cajero automático.
store. tienda.
cash. en efectivo.
restroom / toilet. baño.
market. mercado.
post office. correos.
tourist Information. oficina de turismo.


I have a reservaction. Tengo una reservacion.
How much is the room per night? Cuánto cuesta la habitación por noche?
Is breakfast included? Esta incluido el desayuno?
double room. habitación doble.
single room. habitación sencilla.
all inclusive. todo incluido.
bathroom. baño.
bed. cama.
A/C. aire acondicionado.
WIFI. con acceso al internet.
Pool. alberca.
towel. toalla.
reception. recepción.

On the road by car & bus

Is there a bus to ….? Hay un camión a ….?
What time does the bus leave? Á qué hora sale el camión?
How much is the ticket? Cuánto cuesta el boleto?
ticket. el boleto.
arrival. llegada.
departure. salida.
bus station. terminal de autobuses.
airport. aeropuerto.
luggage. equipaje.
roundtrip . viaje redonda / ida y vuelta.
one way. viaje sencilla.
highway. autopista.
toll station. caseta.
gas station. gasolinera.

Mexican Slang

What´s up? / How is it going? Qué onda?
Are you kidding me? No manches. / No mames.
Hopefully! Ojala!
Sounds great! Órale!
yes. símon.
beer. chela.
nice. buena onda
dude güey
boy / man (with friends) cabrón
cool chido / padre
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